Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Not Un-presidented

The thought occurred to me that we are now in a petri dish.  Obviously I have my opinions about the state of our nation.  But the particular environment that we are in right now makes me feel like we are a part of some great experiment.

We have for the first time (from my limited perspective) re-elected a president in light of the empirical data that we have not seen consistent trends in economic growth or job related growth. (the key words here are consistent trends)  That's not to say that we won't see these positive trends appear; it's only to say that in light of their absence we basically said, "Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead." the outcome of yesterday's election says to me that enough people in the nation have faith that President Obama's policies can turn this economic collapse around relatively soon.  It says that many people believe that the mess that he inherited was not made worse by his policies but rather his policies are slowly going to turn our decline and have the effect that he and his aides have planned.

(Many conservatives will say that the "many people" are stupid or ignorant.  I don't think that's true.  I think they have a differing ideology and they are willing and have the numbers to push it through.)

It's interesting to me because by reelecting President Obama we will be able to see whether his policies will indeed ultimately right the economy and job losses over the next four years. Or at least we'll be able to see a positive or negative trend appear.

This is why I feel like we are in an experiment.  If Governor Romney had been elected and we saw positive economic growth it would have been immediately attributed to his election.  Policy changes that he would have immediately put into place would account for positive growth.

On the other hand if Romney had been elected and the downward trends continued we would still be playing the blame game of antecedent administrations.  Either way we wouldn't know if President Obama's policies worked or not.

On the other hand yesterday's result will be informative over the next few years because it will shed light on whether or not the presidency (and this particular administration) really has the ability to control the success or failure of the economy.  I've long been a skeptic about this.

For my two cents I think it's highly possible that America has seen her economic height.  (I don't care if I'm wrong about this; the kingdom I belong to is not of this world.)

At this point, in terms of the economy, I really don't think it matters which political party controls the government.  Our leaders have accepted debt (exorbitant debt) as normative.  We are slaves to the Chinese because of our debt and lavish standard of living.  Our banks enslave people to usury and make money by selling money.

Every time God creates a way to free us from bondage and slavery we create a new system that puts us right back in it.  Economic slavery, consumerism, materialism, political agendas.  We are an enslaved people because we think that all of these systems will make life better, because we try to buy security with our systems.

There is only One response to man-made systems and the security and peace we desire.